Software and Games
Almost every second German plays computer and video games, women make up around half of the gaming population .Thanks to the excellent training situation, the games industry in the region is professionally positioned and is constantly developing.

In addition, there are successfully operating game studios, which create a lively indie scene with freelance programmers.
“Stuttgart is where our ideas grow to life”, write the game developers of Chasing Carrots on their website. One of these ideas is the action-packed racing game Pressure Overdrive, which is available for PC, Xbox and Playstation. The seven-member creative collective from Studio Seufz develops entertaining browser games, animated films or comic strips. Corporate games, educational games or training games, Studio Büro Kastanie Eins develops for example for the restaurant chain Pokkez, the Red Cross or Stuttgart Airport.
The High Performance Computing Centre (HLRS), with one of the fastest computers in Europe, also offers small and medium-sized companies access to simulation and high-performance computing. The Media Solution Center BW bridges the gap between supercomputers and the (creative) economy and researches the potential of high-performance computing for creative professionals. In the Stuttgart city centre, AX Semantics GmbH teaches machines how to write. The software of the same name currently speaks 24 languages and can automatically produce numerous weather reports, product texts, press releases or police reports. One of the best-known programs for remote maintenance, screen sharing and video conferencing was founded in Göppingen. The company TeamViewer is constantly developing new solutions for fast and easy support for currently about 20 million users.
The software and games industry is now regarded as the innovation driver of the creative industries and thus of the economy as a whole. For this reason, the Film Commission Region Stuttgart supports event formats such as the Open Stage #GamesBW or various Game Jams, in order to promote the cross-media interfaces of moving image, animation and interactivity. With Digital Content Funding, MFG Kreativ supports digital interactive content such as apps and games as well as cross-media products from the areas of virtual and augmented reality.